Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Affectionate Priya

Priya has become quite the affectionate little girl lately! She loves to wrap her arms around our necks or shoulders and give us a big squeeze. She usually tops it off with a sweet kiss on the cheek too. Ahhhh...what a fun and sweet stage!

It's moments like these that make up for the time when she broke a lamp over my head... ;) (yes, she actually did that yesterday!)


Pam said...

I'm glad she gives hugs like her mommy :) And yes, those moments do make up for all of the more difficult ones. She's so stinkin' cute. Love you!!!!

Emily said...

oh my word! that is so funny, i mean not really, but yeah i am laughing!! :)
she does give hugs like her mom, i can tell! so cute!!!!