Sunday, March 1, 2009

Enjoying Culture Night

Ashish, Priya and I enjoyed attending Simpson's Culture event on Saturday evening.  We got to sample ethnic foods, see some gorgeous outfits from around the world, and were blessed with cultural forms of entertainment.  It was so great to see many of my students involved in this event and to have an opportunity to learn more about their backgrounds.  Priya enjoyed the intricate beading on many of the outfits and really enjoyed the entertainment portion of the program. But I eventually had to take her out of the room because she was so enthusiastic!  She kept trying to sing along when students would sing solos and kept clapping and saying "yay!".  She cracks me up! :)

1 comment:

Pam said...

You look like you are having so much fun Priya!!! You are getting way too big though. I hope that I get to see you before too long. Congratulations to your daddy and say "hi" to your mommy. Love you all!